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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sunflowers and the Winter Olympics

Worn and weary, we left Kansas City at 5 AM today. Arrived in St Thomas just as it started getting dark, and it started to rain.

After a full day of travel, we sat down for dinner at a near by patio bar and grill...

Paulette's Patio

I had the Lamb Shank... Jackie enjoyed a shrimp and pasta

It felt great to sit down. We enjoyed a bit of home with a flower arrangement of Sunflowers (the state flower of Kansas) and we enjoyed the Winter Olympics on the bar TV

But it was 80 degrees!


  1. 80 degrees, whoo-hoo! Hope you have that speedo ready, LOL! ;-)

  2. Is that a Meadowlark (state bird) to the right of those sunflowers??? we could pretend.

  3. You won't get homesick... you will be too busy with 3 blogs!

